Have you ever come across the term E-A-T while doing search engine optimization? Yes? Then good for you! No? Then this post is for you!! If your SEO professionals are not working according to the regulation, you need to change and find a better Best SEO Services Company India.

Why? Because Google works in a particular way and if your SEO partner is not able to optimize according to that Google will not crawl the website URL you are working on. This means no ranking and even lower traffic.

And you need to avoid that outcome if you want to run a successful business.


How to achieve that?

First, understand what E-A-T is. There are 3 golden keys that Google uses to crawl web pages. Those their keys are:

  • Beneficial purpose
  • E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
  • YMYL (Your Money or Your Life)

And based on these keys, Google decides whether the web pages are of high quality or low quality.

E-A-T is just one part of how things work and there’ll be more on how the other two keys work but for now, let’s talk about E-A-T.

E-A-T is divided into three parts:




This refers to the face behind the content, are they an expert on the topic they write about? According to recent updates, people with everyday expertise are also acknowledged as experts.  


This refers to the authority of your (MC) main content creator, the content they write, and on which site it appears.

Authoritativeness itself means having authority over the other authorities in the field.


It’s important to be a trustworthy source of information with relevant articles to back your claims up. True and pure information for the readers is called the trustworthiness of the webpage and MC creator.

Best SEO Services Company India

How can Triitans help?

The SEO expert team here has all the necessary information and expertise in the field of SEO including the information on 3 golden keys. With years of experience at hand, no one can compete with them when it comes to Best Digital Marketing Company India.